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Outdoor Gear & Equipment

【Essential for Your Setup】Official Versions of SABBATICAL & ZANE ARTS Floor Mat and Ground Sheet Now Released!

03 Nov 2023


Founded in 2019, the two major Japanese outdoor camping brands, SABBATICAL and ZANE ARTS, have released a limited number of products. From tents and tarps to accessories, every product has been a hit. However, one of the most frequently asked questions has been whether there are optional inner tent floor mats and waterproof ground sheets available for purchase. Finally, in response to fan expectations, the official versions were released in September 2023, offering corresponding floor mats and ground sheets for various tent models! The WhoWhy team has organized the list for your convenience:

【SABBATICAL Tent Specific】

【ZANE ARTS Tent Specific】


As outdoor camping becomes an integral part of leisure life, the demand for high-quality camping equipment has risen accordingly. SABBATICAL and ZANE ARTS not only perfectly addressed the long-term expectations of their fans but also further completed their product lines, enhancing the camping experience to be more complete and comfortable. If you're a fan, don't wait any longer. Visit the WhoWhy brand section to shop and start your next camping adventure!


WhoWhy Official Website|SABBATICAL Brand Section

WhoWhy Official Website|ZANE ARTS Brand Section

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