Outdoor Life in Japan

戶外品牌直營露營場4選 | 魅力特色大解析!

日本露營品牌眾多,為了讓自己的忠實顧客更有歸屬感,這幾年大品牌都紛紛開了自己專屬的露營場,而這次列舉的4個品牌大家肯定不陌生,包含Snow Peak、Ogawa、無印良品以及DOD。究竟它們都在搞什麼花樣呢?就讓我們來一探究竟吧!
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重現日幣上的富士山場景 | 本栖湖浩庵露營場

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Camping Fun: 5 Nature Activities at Japanese Campsites

Japan's natural resources are abundant, and various campsites strive to offer unique memories for their guests. They not only focus on the scenic locations but also put a lot of effort into designing activities. Campers can enjoy the beautiful scenery and relax, while children can participate in a variety of activities, enriching their camping...
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Japan's First Highway-Accessible Outdoor Shop Orange VISION

Located in the VISON area of Mie Prefecture, Japan, it is only a minute away from the highway exit. The area is surrounded by hotels, hot springs, large stores, restaurants, and other facilities. The design-rich Orange VISION features an exterior made of exposed concrete. The stepped store layout helps display a wide variety of...
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